1. Welcome To Odyssey Part 1: At the Orlock Apartment Mina are her friends Becky, Mersha, & Scott were watch TV when her dad came by and tell Mina that he won a free trip. So Mina bring the pets and her friend with her on this trip when they were almost out of gas they turn left to the next road they came to a place called Odyssey where they came to a place called Whit's End there they meet the owner John Whittaker his son Jason and his 2 employees Connie Kendall & Eugene Meltsner. Whit told Mina's dad the trip they won was fake and he was sad to hear that just when they were about to go home thire car was gong and they wonder who stoled it.
2. Welcome To Odyssey Part 1: The Gang try to find out who would steal their car and why just then Jason tire tracks that leads to an old house but why. The Gang went inside the house then suddenly the door closed and they were trap. Bunnicula and the pets were worried about them so they went the old house and went inside to find them so they did but when they got in the door was lock. Then suddenly a TV screen appred before then and on screen show a stange figure name The Mask Phantom who was Bunnicula's enemy and he challenge him to a battle of wits to save Mina and her friends and he did and won. Just then The Mask Phantom disapper but everybody was saved at Whit's End Mina told Mr. Whittaker what happen and Chester & Harold wants to know who is The Mask Phantom and why did Bunnicula knows him.
3. Who is The Mask Phantom:
4. The Ghost of Dr. Regis Blackgaard